Maybe that’s a fair comment, not sure. The comments about diving were made with some thought, but also hesitation. I think if you look at them, you’ll see we don’t really talk about diving in the way we talk about swimming. That’s cause we have no expertise in diving. We can’t really assess or judge the quality of the diving. We can only speak to the way in which it fits in sort of an odd fashion With the sport with which it is paired. One objective identifier of just how odd this is it for years we’ve been asking anybody in the readership community who has knowledge about diving please submit notes about diving events with the promise that we help them polish it up and we would publish them. No date, no one has.
Yes. No doubt. We covered a couple of things in the notes and Instagram. You would be the second reader we encourage to submit your notes on men’s NEWMAC with the promise we would help you polish them and then post them under your byline.
Hey maybe have some respect for diving. At least keep your disrespectful opinions out of conference recaps.
Maybe that’s a fair comment, not sure. The comments about diving were made with some thought, but also hesitation. I think if you look at them, you’ll see we don’t really talk about diving in the way we talk about swimming. That’s cause we have no expertise in diving. We can’t really assess or judge the quality of the diving. We can only speak to the way in which it fits in sort of an odd fashion With the sport with which it is paired. One objective identifier of just how odd this is it for years we’ve been asking anybody in the readership community who has knowledge about diving please submit notes about diving events with the promise that we help them polish it up and we would publish them. No date, no one has.
Men’s NESCACs were this same weekend. Looks like there were some fast swims there too? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes. No doubt. We covered a couple of things in the notes and Instagram. You would be the second reader we encourage to submit your notes on men’s NEWMAC with the promise we would help you polish them and then post them under your byline.